Where to go if I have questions concerning the MYCHOICE study?
General information about the MYCHOICE study can be found in the patient information leaflet you received. On this website, you will also find information about the MYCHOICE study and frequently asked questions about the study. If it is a question about your personal situation, please contact us via the contact form or via mychoice@isala.nl. We will try to answer your question within three working days. In case of a medical (emergency) question, we ask you to contact your own family doctor or gynecologist.
Where to go in case of questions concerning my treatment?
General information about the treatments can be found in the patient information leaflet you received. On this website, you will also find information about the treatments and frequently asked questions about these treatments. If it is a question about your personal situation, it is best to contact your gynecologist. If that does not provide clarity, please contact us via the contact form or via mychoice@isala.nl. We will try to answer your question within three working days.
How can I quit my participation?
You can decide to quit your participation at any time. You do not have to give a reason. You can do this by contacting us using the details in the patient information leaflet. If you already had the treatment, it is important that you continue the follow-up appointments with your gynecologist. This is standard care, is outside the study and is for your own health. All information collected before you indicated to stop, will be used for the study. New information will not be collected.
How to contact the complaint officer/independent physician?
In the patient information leaflet you received, you will find information on how to contact the complaints officer and/or the independent physician.
Link to the patient information folder
Here you find the patient study information